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LB College Promise MS Scholarships



长滩 College Promise Middle School Scholarships

3月20日, 2008, education leaders from the 长滩 Unified School District (菠菜网lol正规平台), 长滩 City College (LBCC) and California State University 长滩 (CSULB) announced and signed the 长滩 College Promise. The three education entities promise all 菠菜网lol正规平台 students the opportunity to receive a college education. 例如, every 菠菜网lol正规平台 graduate receives the first semester tuition-free at LBCC, and guaranteed admission to CSULB is provided to every local high school graduate who meets minimum eligibility requirements.

College Promise Image

As part of its Academic and Career Success Initiative, 菠菜网lol正规平台 encourages all middle school students to sign the College Promise. This pledge represents a commitment by students to pursue higher education. 每年, the district receives over 15,000 signed pledges from students across cities it serves, 长滩, 莱克伍德, 信号山, 和阿瓦隆. At the end of the pledge drive, 菠菜网lol正规平台 awards a scholarship to one student from each middle and K-8 school.

You can help us fulfill the College Promise by donating to the Scholarship Fund. The Fund is held in trust by the 长滩 Education Foundation and scholarship awards are disbursed to students once they enter college. Your donation will support local youngsters who show remarkable academic improvement and allow them to reduce the cost of higher education.

Checks must be made out to the 长滩 Education Foundation and sent to:

长滩 Education Foundation
长滩, CA 90810

Please include a note with your name and address, and state that the purpose of your donation is for the 长滩 College Promise Scholarship.

If you would like to make a secure online credit card donation to the College Promise Scholarship, please click the 'Donate Online' button below.